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Introduction to Hebrew
Reading Lesson 1 - Alef and Bet
Introduction to Hebrew as Used in Judaism
Reading Lesson 2 - Gimel and Dalet - Part 1
Reading Lesson 2 - Gimel and Dalet - Part 2
Reading Lesson 3 - Lamed and Mem
Reading Lesson 4 - Shin and Resh
Reading Lesson 5 - Samech and Ayin
Reading Lesson 6 - Tav and Hei
Reading Lesson 7 - Chet and Chaf
Reading Lesson 8 - Yod and Vav
Reading Lesson 10 - Kaf/Chaf, Chaf-Sofit, and Qof
Reading Lesson 11 - Pe, Fe, and Fe-Sofit
Reading Lesson 12 - Tet, Tzadi, and Tzadi Sofit
Reading Lesson 13 - Non-Hebrew Letters